Electrical Workshop
The electrical workshop is NSW DII certified and licensed to AS/NZS 3800 for the overhaul and repair of Ex d, Ex i and Ex m protected equipment. Service personnel have been trained and certified for overhaul and repair of Group 1 explosion protected equipment. We offer in house or on-site vehicle electric and electronic design installation, Code D, Code C, and Code C1 inspections and vehicle auditing to AS 4871, AS 60204.
Mechanical Workshop
The VENTICO Australia underground diesel vehicle service facility is a NSW DII recognized service facility (RSF) for the service and repair of explosion protected diesel engine systems (ExDES) in accordance with AS/NZS 3584.3
The facility is licensed to repair ExDES comprising welding and fabrication repair, thread repairs, machining and fitting repairs, hydraulic and pneumatic component repair and full vehicle rebuilds.
Fabrication workshop
The VENTICO Australia fabrication workshop facility offers full design and manufacture of specialty vehicle attachments, material transportation systems including general purpose trailers, mega bolt trailers, gravel trailers and diesel and electric powered vehicle design, modifications and repair
VENTICO Australia has a proven record of producing innovative solutions for many of the issues facing the operators of diesel fleets in the underground coal industry worldwide. If you would like to see how our company can help your coal business be safer and more productive please contact us.
ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems
AS/NZS 3584.3 Diesel engine systems for underground coal mines - Maintenance
AS/NZS 3800: Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres
AS/NZS 2290.1: Electrical Equipment for Coal Mines - Introduction, inspection and maintenance
ANZEx SF 19.7001 Recognised Service Facility (RSF) For Explosive Protected Diesel Engines System
Certification of Grant: Standard Patent Patent Number: 2018203112 Turbocharger Assembly